Sindice Live API

Live API calls examples:

Live API allows you to retrieve triples from web documents using document URI or CONTENT. To get triples you must specify url=URI of the document or content=CONTENT of the document.
To do reasoning and get implicit triples too you must add parameter doReasoning=1.

GET example:

To get only implicit data:;=0&ontologies;=0&extractors;=0
To get only implicit data and ontologies:

List of all possible parameters:

Name Description Possible values Default value
url url to the document string NA
content content of the document string NA
doReasoning enable disable reasoning over extracted data 0/1 0
explicit if set to 1 explicit triples are included in output 0/1 1
implicit if set to 1 inferred triples are included in output 0/1 1
maxExplicit truncates number of returned explicit triples number -1
maxImplicit truncates number of returned implicit triples number -1
ontologies if set to 1 ontologies used during reasoning process are included in output 0/1 1
extractors if set to 1 a list of used extractors is included in output 0/1 1

POST example:

For POST use the same parameters. At least one url or content must be provided.

Result are in following JSON format.